Live Streams on Facebook or Youtube every Sunday at 9:30 & 11:00 AM

Have you ever felt like your life is out of focus, unsure of your direction or purpose? This September, we're embarking on a journey to refocus on what truly matters as followers of Christ. Each week, we'll dive deep into the core aspects of our faith—our identity, worship, connections, and service. Through biblical examples and practical steps, we'll explore how to live out these truths in a way that transforms our lives and impacts our community. Join us as we learn to align our lives with God's mission, discover the power of authentic worship, build meaningful relationships, and find our unique role in serving others. This series will help us all rediscover our purpose and stay centered on what truly matters. Don't miss out!

This series will help you navigate living as subjects of the Heavenly Kingdom of God, while also living as citizens of an earthly empire of humans. Each week will address a unique aspect of living as a follower of Jesus in our divisive political reality. We’ll also explore how the Kingdom truly offers a better solution to our problems than the Empire.

We’re back to the book of Genesis, one of the most important books in all of history.  In Part 4 of this series, we’ll see God give Abram and Sarai new names and new identities.  We’ll also see what happens to Haggar and Ishmael, Lot, and his daughters.  In all of that, we’ll see themes of trust, failure, sin, and God’s redeeming grace as these very real and relatable people struggle with the realities they see before them.   

What do we do when we don't like people we go to church with? Is that even allowed? With all this talk about loving each other in a Christ-like community, is there any room for not getting along? If so, how do we do that? This two-part series will take a couple of "church" relationships from the New Testament to highlight how Christians can get along when they can't get along.

In Genesis 23-29, we witness the trials and tribulations of Abraham's family, emphasizing that life is tough and faith in God is vital. Sarah's death and Abraham's negotiations for her burial site (Genesis 23) remind us of the reality of loss for these towering biblical figures. Abraham's servant's quest to find a wife for Isaac (Genesis 24) highlights the need for God's guidance in life's crucial decisions. Jacob's journey (Genesis 25-29) is incredibly messy, full of blended family issues, sibling rivalry, deception, and relentless labor for love, emphasizing the hardships we all face. Despite these challenges, God's promises and presence persist, encouraging us to keep our eyes on Him through all of life's difficulties.

Hope.  When you read that or hear it, what do you think of?  Is it silly?  Useless?  Something to cling to?  Really, think about it: Hope.  In the world we live, it can be hard to have hope.  There are wars and rumors of wars. There is so much division and open hatred in our country. Families are falling apart.  Many have lost faith in major institutions like schools, the police, churches, the government and even the entire health care system.  People are becoming cynical and losing hope at alarming levels and this is pushing them more and more to drugs and alcohol. All of this is leading to depression, anxiety, and suicide rising at alarming levels.  So, what comes to mind when you think about hope?

"I Am Barabbas," a song by Josiah Queen, delves into themes of grace, forgiveness, and redemption, using the perspective of Barabbas, a figure released instead of Jesus. It prompts reflection on our own sinfulness and the cost of redemption, urging listeners to consider the Easter story from a fresh angle. Through this series, the exploration of these themes aims to foster a deeper understanding of grace and ultimately lead to a realization of our own identification with Barabbas.

What would it look like to create a different mindset in yourself that changes the way you approach life and allows you to get closer to God?  Thankfully, God talks a lot about that kind of stuff in the Bible.  He gives incredibly helpful insights into how we can flourish generally, but also (and more importantly) how we can flourish spiritually.  Join us for a short series that is sure to give you some helpful guidance into making 2024 a year to remember!

We’re back to the book of Genesis, one of the most important books in all of history.  In part 3 of this series, we’ll explore more of the story of Abram and his wife, Sarai.  They travel on a journey together that is both geographical and spiritual, both of which had its ups and downs, victories, and failures.  There’s a lot to learn from these two very regular people!

Decorations and traditions are great, however, this year we have a chance to think about how the “perfect Christmas” is an idol we can either embrace… or let go. Remember, the commercialized, stress-inducing version of Christmas we’ve been handed doesn’t have to ruin the real meaning for us.  We can definitely let go of all the things we have made Christmas into and embrace the coming Christ!  Remember, he promised us peace!

In this series, we explore what church should be like and how Jesus told us it should be led and structured. If we can get this right, it builds a framework that introduces people to Jesus, “sets the captives free,” and helps them grow in the freedom of being a child of God. That’s something amazing to give yourself to!

This series is like a survival guide for weary souls.  It’s a practical, how-to for those of us that just want life to be good again.  Tune in to see how Jesus can actually revive our hearts and minds.  

In part two of Genesis, “The Road to Redemption,” we’ll see some serious fallout, but we’ll also see the goodness of God to follow through on a promise he makes in Genesis 3.  There’s an old call and response saying that goes like this: “God is Good…” followed by, “all the time…” followed by, “all the time…” followed by, “God is Good.”  In Genesis 3-12, we’ll see this in grand fashion.

In this series, we’ll be looking at some of the more meaningful – and skeptical – questions about God and religion commonly searched on Google. We hope to give those questions the fair treatment they deserve.

We begin a story that goes literally all the way back to the beginning.  God reveals some incredibly important truths about himself in the opening verses of the Bible.  Interestingly, some of those very ideas find a home in the last book of the Bible: Revelation.  What could God be saying?  What is he revealing?  Remember, Genesis is not just a science or history book filled with facts…Genesis is a theological treatise where, in grand fashion, God is announcing Truth about Himself that is meant to draw out awe, wonder, appreciate and worship.  

In this series we explore what these holy days reveal about God and his plan. Together, we’ll ask what we can learn that will deepen our understanding of who Jesus truly is. Lastly, and maybe most importantly, we’ll discover how we can let the ancient festivals of the OT inform our modern faith today.

Money can be one of the most stressful and anxiety-producing areas of our lives. God talks a lot about money in the Bible because he knows it’s a very important part of our lives that can either bless us or curse us. At Quaboag Church we want to invest in people in the journey of life so they can invest in others. In this series, we are investing in you so you can experience financial peace! “Why?” you ask? So we can all get to that place where money and peace aren’t oxymorons in our lives and we can be the generous people God calls us to be!

Church. When you read that word, what does it bring to mind? A place? A feeling? A group of people? Does it make you think of warmth, love, and community? Or, do you have opposite feelings around church? How about this one: do you have expectations of church? As in, should the church provide something for you…be to your liking, or make you feel a certain way? How much does your past influence what you think about church and what it should be today?