Connect Groups

Life is done much better together. We offer small groups from September to June for adults to connect in homes throughout the week.  They gather around kitchen tables and in living rooms for study, encouragement, and fun. Some offer options for kids, some offer food, but all offer a great opportunity to explore your faith in community.

Men's Events

Our men meet throughout the year for breakfast, outings, studies, and a spring conference, usually Iron Sharpens Iron.  Discussion topics vary at each event. Our goal is to grow men who will lead both their families and the Church, now and in the future. 

Women's Events

Our women enjoy luncheons, Christmas Yankee swaps, retreats, and Bible studies. We want to see our women embrace all that Christ has for them.

Bible Studies

Currently we have several studies that meet throughout the year during the day for study and growth. All adults are welcome.

Recovery Groups

We are committed to seeing people recover from wounds and for them to experience what only God can do - heal and leverage for good what the enemy meant for harm. We offer Betrayal & Beyond for women and Pure Desire Study for men.